Friday, August 28, 2009

Lisa, Cade & Wiley

This was a tough one. Cade and Wiley are four and two. And they are FAST! I struggled with focus and to be honest I didn't get many usable images because of blur and focus issues. It was a great learning experience though and I was able to get a few shots that I thought were cute. It was also a great scouting shoot - we found some really cute spots to use in future sessions, thanks to Lisa for all her suggestions.


LBeckingham said...

Aw Kelly, I'm so honored! First to make your blog!!! : )
Thanks so much for taking our pics! I thought you did an awesome job. And yes, we did find some cool spots.
: )

Kory Johnson said...

do share where you found... at least in private! Looks like a small town or somewhere in england.