Wednesday, September 15, 2010


The 365 Project

Basically it’s a photo a day for an entire year. In order to be a better photographer many websites I read recommend doing this to challenge yourself to pick up your camera and try something, anything every single day. Not only will it be great practice but I’ll also have a photographic history of a year in my life. Maybe chock full of things I’ve learned, people I’ve met, travels and life in general.
But I’m leery. I’m notorious for starting something and not finishing. I’m going to give it a try though. I want to be better. I’m my own biggest critic. Most of the time when I take a picture I start out liking it but by the time I analyze the composition and realize the lighting is terrible I end up thinking its just crap. Hopefully lots of practice will payoff. It doesn’t seem that difficult in theory but I’m already wondering what I could possibly take pictures of. Especially during inclement weather when I typically don’t like to leave the house. I guess everyone will see lots of Evan pictures. And of course, day 1 I have procrastinated and just snapped a picture a few minutes ago to start this off. I'm not promising great shots here people, a picture a day - that's what I'm doing. And this picture might be taken a few minutes before midnight with my camera phone on occasions that I forget. 

I will try to post them on here everyday but no promises. 

So here goes.
Day 1 of 365


Paula said...

Great start and great idea!

Abby said...

Love this idea, Kelly - you'll be great. And now that you've shared your plan with your blog/facebook friends we can help motivate you to make through all 365 days! And for the record, seeing lots of pics of Evan is never a bad thing! :-)